Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Child Soldiers

It is only through love can you learn hate

One cannot survive without the other. Isn't it so obvious? How can you love anyone until you truly know what it is to not love someone. How to hate, and despise them. Or not even someone, something. Anything. How can you really be sure that you love anything if you have never felt the urge of hate. How would you even know.

I passed my enemies by in the streets. I did not realize they were my enemies. Nor did I realize I had so many. But enemies they all were. And I realized that they were my enemies for one reason alone, one purpose. In my blind pursuit for love, they stood in my way. And thus they had become objects of hatred. Things that would push my love higher, and my anger deeper. To love is to hate, and to hate is to love. To defeat a foe, to truly defeat them, to cripple them, and to destroy them, is to know them. To know them is to love them. To love that which you hate. And to love, to love anyone, anything. It is to hate all else, so that the love may stand out. May be pure. So to hate is to love and to love is to hate. Such a simple idea, only now clear how horrible it truly is. 

So we march onwards, in our quest for what is right and good, not that which is bright. Not tempted by the lures of monsters hiding in the deep. 


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