Saturday, November 9, 2013

The highway is my treadmill

The next time you're on the highway, late at night, when there's only a few cars around, try to do this. Match the speed of those cars around you, so that you're all sort of driving in formation. Then, retreat into your mind a little, and squint your eyes a little, so that the dotted lines on the ground blur into a line. And the buildings along the side and in front fade from view. And all you are are three cars on the road, standing perfectly still together, as the world rushes past. I like to think that if you can do that, trick you're mind into thinking you're actually completely still and the world is what's moving beneath you, you'll share a moment with those other drivers. In their cars they will feel a connection with you they have never felt with anyone else. And then you will all go your separate ways again.

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