Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Daily Epiphany

Have you ever thought about some of the weird people in your life
Or the angry people
Or the people you just wish wouldn't exist anymore
And just thought, how can they act like that?
Or think that way?
Don't they even realize what people think of them?
And of course, the answer is no, they don't
They think people like them
Love them
They really and truly do think that, or else of course they would change
Even when they say things like "yea, I know I'm a bitch"
Or "It's okay, people find that endearing about me"
They don't really acknowledge their shortcomings
I know that because I realized that about myself
I realized I am a person some people don't want around
Or even like
People don't like me that I thought did
Even loved me
And it's because of who I am
And what's funny is it's all things I've known about myself completely
I just never dreamt that people would hate me for the same reasons I hate myself

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