Thursday, June 7, 2012

Writer's Block

I float on a sea of milk and honey
The red dress caresses her every curve
all my muscles tear at my body trying to rend me apart and i dont know how much longer i can stay i really should get going its getting kind of late and im so tired
I see him there standing in the dark hallway in sunglasses and skin pale as chalk
the lighthouse shines on the buoy, its chains rock and clink like champagne glasses on a heavy shore
i can feel my heart straining to break the cycle of the beat
my eyes are telescopes into your soul
the trees spell words that i wish I could see but I cant
the ocean and sand and orange and yellow and purple
and i can see your face it looks warpsed and exaggerated im not sure why and there is streaks of blond but no soul

you have things that you shouldnt be proud of having, of but you should still be grateful about them


I love and I don't know why I do

This is about sex
not love
just sex
and nothing more

I can feel you trembling beneath me
but you don't care, you're somewhere else
somewhere I'm not and wishing I was someone else too

I love you but I'm not sure why
I love you and I know I shouldn't
Is this really what love is anyways?
I can't be sure that this is real at all
That this isn't simply the most I've felt for someone, and not love itself
All I know is yours is all I care to hear from
I never hear your true voice and feelings any more,
And that kills me more than anything else
i want that closeness again
i want it so badly

We are two creatures moving, one inside of the other
When what I want is to exist with you, and you with me

All nighter

I look out with eyes veiled in sleepless nights and moonlit waking hours. I watch secretly from my bedroom window, hoping to catch a glimpse of you as you walk out your door Hoping today is the day I get up the courage to meet you out there. Comment on the weather and your lovely garden.

I can feel the coffee staining my teeth, the last drops sitting at the bottom of my mug, the extra sugar piled high inside, like an island surrounded by sludge. The island rocks gently as my hand unsteadily grips the mug. Too much caffeine and too little sleep following too much alcohol and too little to eat. But I can't sleep, not yet. I can't drink either. Not yet.

My cat leaps up onto the armrest beside me. He looks at me inquisitively, sniffing first my hand, then my cup, before looking away in utter disinterest. He sits with his feet gathered beneath himself, staring out the window at nothing in particular. Tail waving slightly, as if being carried by the circulation of air in the room.

His eyes suddenly light up with interest, and I follow his gaze to the squirrel outside sitting on a tree branch. The cat makes a quiet mewl to no one in particular. Perhaps he is talking to the squirrel. Maybe he's imagining the conversation he would have with it if he could only get out there to talk to it.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see you getting into your car. I watch as the brake lights flicker on, and the car pulls away.

I yawn, draw the curtain, and finally, finally, sit down on the bed.

Same time again tomorrow morning.