There are people sitting at home in their favourite spot on their couch
Watching TV and not really paying attention to it
Instead they're thinking about you
They're thinking about how they never think about you enough
They never call or write or try to see you
But they love you all the same
And are very glad for the little time you already spent together
They're thinking about how sad they are that they never get to see you anymore
Then a voice will call out from another room
They'll be pulled from that thought
And they won't think about it again for many months
Perhaps even years
And one day you'll move even farther away
And they'll think of you even less
But you will live on entangled in their lives
Every time they drink that beer you taught them to love
Or they hear that song you used to belt out no matter who else was around
Or every time they have to explain the scuff mark on their car to anyone who asks
Even if you're the loneliest person in the world right now
Don't die loving nobody
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