Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Streaks on the Car Window Pane

There's a spot on the window that shows your fingerprint
The rain never goes over it, it goes around it
Through the ridges in your print
Such that it almost looks like maybe you had just touched it
That your hands had been wet and you had rested it there just a moment ago
That was three weeks ago
Your hand will never touch this window again

Monday, April 28, 2014

Won't Pass Judgement

There is comfort in anonymity
Knowing that you can speak your mind and you can't be personally affected
That there is just some ghostly version of yourself that takes the credit for your fortunes and misdeeds
But despite that
There is more comfort in having just someone know who you are behind it all
And knowing they won't judge you any less for it

Saturday, April 26, 2014

And so I Became a Weapon

It didn't need to become a fight
We didn't need to end up this way
But you were too stubborn then
And I am too stubborn now
We threw everything we had at each other
And now there's nothing left to salvage
I hope you are doing well
I miss you

Thursday, April 24, 2014


I want you to know it's not your fault
And someday, when the wounds don't feel so fresh, we can talk again

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Someday Soon, I Hope

Someday soon I hope we can finally figure out what we're doing with our lives
That we can say 'this is finally what I want to be doing'
And feel like things are falling into place
Someday soon

Someday soon I hope we can be surrounded by our friends and family
Look into each others eyes with all the love that we can muster into them
And say 'I do'
Someday soon

Someday soon I hope we can have lots of kids
And that all our kids will be friends with each other
They will sit around the dinner table laughing and whispering secrets to each other
Someday soon

Someday soon I hope we can say we're content with everything we have
We will look back on lives lived and love fulfilled and want for no more
And be happy that every day more together is just another blessing
Someday soon

Sunday, April 20, 2014

I Don't Know You; I Love You

Sometimes you need to sit down and really talk to people
With people you don't really know, and might not even really like
Just really sit down and talk
Not about the bullshit and the news and the celebrities and the gossip
Just talk about what your heart really cares about
And bare your soul completely
In hopes they will do the same
It's not to get closer to them
Not only at least
It's for you to learn: we might value different things, believe different things
But deep down, we really are all the same
We are just as lost as everyone else
We have no idea what to do
We have no idea what we want
We are scared we'll be found out
We just want to be loved for who we are

Friday, April 18, 2014

First Days of Spring

I pray that your times of sadness are just long enough
So the the first days of spring may inspire hope
So that even the mild nights of driving with the window down
Is enough to believe that everything might be okay again

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Words I Don't Know

You should lie down for awhile
You've been working for a long time now
I can see you're tired
I can see you're upset
I want you to feel better but I don't know what else to say

Monday, April 14, 2014


Do you feel it too?
The distance between us?
Does it feel like it grows every day?
Can you see it widening, like a slight crack in the dirt slowly, over millenia, turning into the Grand Canyon?
Do you even care?
Do I?

Saturday, April 12, 2014

You Could Do It If You Tried

You should go for it
You can do it, absolutely you can
Hundreds, if not thousands, of humans have done all the things you aspire to do
And the only reason you doubt yourself is you think, what, that they have something you don't?
The only obstacle you'll ever face in your life is yourself

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Songs for the End of the World

Life used to stretch on forever ahead of me
And then one day I realized that I was slowly ticking downwards on a timer
To the day I won't be around any more
That scared me until I realized that was no different than before

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Sometimes we don't need more than right now
We just need the comfort that we would give more if we could
That we would stay around forever if we could

Sunday, April 6, 2014


For every fond memory you have of late nights with good friends
There is a memory where you tepidly shook their hand, thinking that you'd rather be anywhere else
For all the good times you've had
There's the times where things were most uncertain, just before they all worked out
For each and every end, there is a beginning

And for every change away from a good thing, there's always opportunity for better

Friday, April 4, 2014

Breaking Up With Your Ghost: A Guide

With these three simple tips, you too can achieve all your dreams! Remember your ABC's!

Avoid all live encounters! This includes visits, accidental encounters in public, or phone calls of any kind. Resort instead to asynchronous communication, such as SMS texting or email. This will ensure you are never immediately available, and never obligated to respond.

Be overly excited! For those times you can't hide behind your phone or computer, feigning a bubbly personality can trick most unobservant eyes into thinking you have a fully formed personality and truly are interesting and interested. Just open your eyes a little wider, smile with your teeth showing constantly, and be excited about everything the other person happens to be talking about.

Chat about nothing! Make sure to be prepared with mindless banter about topics that you could talk for long periods of time about, but are the conversational equivalent of packing kernels. Avoid things like politics, wars, and general topics that people might feel strongly about, you don't want to give away how little you know about it all!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Because sometimes life is more beautiful when it's at its most fucked up