Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I dreamt of a place a long time ago
Fire and smoke filled the night sky
As shrieks echoed over the hills and the water
Families huddle and run away from the burning huts beside burning houses
Along the edges of the mountainside, priestesses chant and sway
Breasts and bodies laid bare, but faces hidden by demonic wooden masks
Torches cluthed in both hands as they cackle at the destruction
And all at once they turn to me,
Eyes burning with rage
I take a running leap off the cliff
Down to the next plateau
Into the center of a small pool
Lit from below with an unearthly blue glow
I stop to catch my breath
I turn my head back up the mountain side
And see a dozen women
Wooden masks turned animated
Jaws snapping
Baring fangs dripping with green venom
Falling in slow motion towards me
As they ready to tear me to shreds

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