Monday, March 12, 2012


We try and find reason for the time we spend between eyelids opening and closing
Find purpose for each second as they tick away
We try to find love to fill the hole in our hearts,
And hobbies to fill the ones in our minds. 
And yet when you go to bed, you still think of how much better it could be
Of those words you should have said (or shouldn't have)
Of how life wasn't supposed to end up in your bed on this night

And you pray you someday find a way to stop your heart from racing whenever the car stops abruptly
Hope that the moments that flash before your eyes aren't empty when you miss that last stair
Wonder if you've done enough as you wait for the doctor to enter the room, as the cold air wafts up the hospital gown

But no, it's never enough
There is always more life to live
And more lands to see
And more people to love
And more hearts to break
A life lived ten lifetimes long wouldn't be enough

And even then you wouldn't have done the thing you had set out to do from the beginning

So keep calm
Live not for the means to life, 
Live for life itself

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